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Female Private Investigators in Cambodia

Female Private Investigators in Cambodia

Are female Private Investigators common?

When one imagines a private investigator in their head, a picture of a dark clothed, mysterious looking male may form, or perhaps an awkward, friendly Frenchman with good manners. In film and books, private investigators are generally portrayed as an extreme of some sort. Breaking Bad’s Mike Ehrmantraut character, played by Jonathan Banks, is a private investigator with a very serious “no nonsense” attitude that places the case objectives as top priority and will achieve that objective at any cost- even if that means breaking some serious laws. On the other hand, we have characters such as Agatha Christie’s Poirot, who is a private detective with an unwavering commitment to doing what is morally and legally correct, at times even taking on cases pro gratis simply as a matter of principle. Of course, female detectives are also well known. Take Miss Marple and Jessica Fletcher for example. But when it comes to reality, people generally still associate the profession itself with something that only a man would do.
Without a doubt, writers can make PIs look proficient in carrying out anything. The question then becomes, how do female detectives compare to their more common male colleagues? From Lead Investigations’ experience, a female private investigator is sometimes even better suited for the job. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of deploying and utilizing female private investigators within a Cambodian context.

Are there Innate benefits?

With the risk of sounding superstitious to some, I shall mention that a New York Post article from 2017 stated that a study carried out by the University of Cambridge and involved collaborators from Australia, France, the Netherlands, and the United States concluded that females do have the upper-hand when it comes to reading people’s emotions when compared to men. Even more fascinating is that this is done through looking into someone’s eyes.
Of course, many cases that we take on do weigh emotionally on all parties involved. This includes locating missing persons, marital disputes, fraud or even simply process serving. The individuals we deal with do vary from case to case, but having a female detective that can measure and understand a person’s emotional output better than her male colleagues, is a strong bonus.
Granted, a hunch is a hunch, it is not going to close a case or locate a culprit- gathering intelligence and evidence is a must, but this can be extracted in a perhaps slightly easier fashion if you have some strong hunches.
Generally speaking, female agents can be just as intimidating as men. On the other hand, they can also be empathetic and kind, which may win over trust from a Subject or suspected culprit. This empathetic and caring nature may also make female clients at ease when disclosing sometimes sensitive and personal information.

Conspicuously Hidden

The private and corporate investigation industry in Cambodia is the same as it is all over the world: Discreet, innovative, secretive and reliant on being present without being noticed for your true intentions. With less women represented in pop culture as detectives when compared to men, an unexpected advantage has emerged: Since most people associate PI’s with being men, a female PI can go unnoticed! Would a Subject be less suspicious of a female person keeping tabs on them? Swapping male and female agents has great advantages when conducting a case. A female agent is far less likely to spook a Subject. Females are also able to conduct surveillance on both males and females with additional ease. This is particularly true if the Subject is female. Bathrooms, gyms, quiet areas: these are challenging places for a male agent to conduct surveillance. Females also do not pay as much attention to females in a public setting as opposed to males. Additionally, female agents may be underestimated by the Subject, which has obvious advantages.
Lead Investigations has a variety of agents that are utilized in different ways, often on a case-by-case basis. Our experienced and professional female agents are on hand and able to conduct all types of investigations.
For all your Private and Corporate Investigative needs in Cambodia, please do not hesitate to contact us.